Parameter Identification for an Uncooperative Captured Satellite with Spinning Reaction Wheels

Robotic Manipulation and Capture in Space


"Christidi-Loumpasefski, O-O, and Papadopoulos, E., “Parameter Identification for an Uncooperative Captured Satellite with Spinning Reaction Wheels,” Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '20), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Oct. 25-29, 2020.”


The mission activities go hand in hand with technology developments. In the COMRADE project, ESA has promoted the design, development and testing of a control system for a free-flying robot for two missions: (a) Active Debris Removal (ADR) with a dedicated 7 DoF robotic manipulator and LAR gripper end-effector. (b) Refueling mission (see also Section 9.3) Here, a combined controller was tested on the OOS-SIM facility for the capturing of ENVISAT. The controller ran on a LEON4 computer, proving its applicability for space flight. Furthermore, an overview of the design and outcomes of the project were presented in (Colmenarejo, et al., 2018), to include a comparison between a robust H∞ controller and a nonlinear Lyapunov-based controller. The results from Monte Carlo simulations showed that although the H∞ controller performed better in meeting the given velocity requirements, the nonlinear controller was usually able to achieve a stable and successful grasp in presence of contact. The nonlinear controller was also presented in detail in (De Stefano, Mishra, Giordano, Lampariello, & Ott, 2021), including results from experiments performed on DLR’s OOS-SIM experimental facility.

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The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation  Programme under Grant Agreement No 821904