What’s EROSS+:
EROSS+ (European Robotic Orbital Support Services) objective is to demonstrate the European solutions for the Servicers and the Serviced LEO/GEO satellites, enabling a large range of efficient and safe orbital support services. This phase is the third and last one of the SRC in the frame of H2020 projects, building on the two previous ones that have allowed to increase the Technology Readiness Level of several key building blocks. The first phase involved six projects related to the development of technologies dedicated to robotics and in-orbit operations.
The third phase of the SRC is now to prepare the in-orbit demonstration of such new types of missions (up to preliminary design). EROSS+ obviously follows up on the EROSS activity and aims to develop a European solution for On-Orbit Servicing. These space vehicles will be able to carry out a wide range of operations in orbit, including controlled re-entry of space debris, robotic manipulation, the extension of a satellite's operational life, in-orbit re-fuelling, inspection, and many more. The project will start in February and will last 24 months. The goal consists in designing a demonstrator while progressing in parallel on the maturity of the key building blocks.
The demonstration mission concept includes the complete orbital rendezvous phase of a Servicer satellite with a collaborative Client satellite prepared for On-Orbit Servicing that shall be followed by the capture and then servicing operations. The whole idea is to validate the capability of carrying out on-orbit operations of this type for future missions. On-Orbit servicing space vehicles represent a real paradigm shift in space: upcoming systems will no longer be “abandoned to their fate” once in orbit, but can evolve over their lifetime. An in-orbit demonstration is expected by 2026.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004346.
What's new?
EROSS+ Passenger event – Deadline extended

Especially for the busy, we are extending the deadline for submissions under the 'Call for Interest of Secondary Payload on EROSS +' until February 10, 2023.
Apply via the contact form available at eross-h2020.eu/eross-plus/passenger-event (please expand the "survey" tab).
Read more ...EROSS+ Passenger event – Call for Interest announced

Call for interest of Secondary Payload on EROSS +
The purpose of the Secondary Payload is to allow European academic and industrial entities to propose educational projects or science experiments or technology demonstrations as passengers to the demonstration mission.
Read more ...EROSS+ ongoing tests

On November 17th at GMV's headquarters in Spain, with presence of PERASPERA members, took place Test Readiness Review for rendezvous (RDV) experiments of technologies being developed in the EROSS+ project.
Read more ...EROSS+ at IAC 2022

On 21st of September PIAP Space organized promotion of the EROSS + (European Robotic Orbital Support Services) project on orbital robotics. Our consortium consists of: Thales Alenia Space, GMV, SINTEF, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and PIAP Space has organised the One-Day event to spread out the information about the project and its results among IAC 2022 participants. The event took part at Polish Space Agency stand during the 4th day of the exhibition. Our guest have been informed about the project status and results we foreseen for the next year. The information about the continuation of the projects – EROS IOD, was also announced during the event.
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